30 x 30 – 30 things to do before I turn 30

We’re coming up on my half birthday this weekend! In a year and a half, I’ll be 30. Over the last 6.5 years, I’ve been working through a 30 by 30 list, so I thought I’d share it here with updates as I check off accomplishments.

I’m not the biggest fan of bucket lists or resolutions, but I do like having goals to work towards. Instead of fearing 30 and the “loss” of my youth, I want to celebrate all the memories and achievements, the experiences I’ve enjoyed, and the things to look forward to in the next decade.

With that, I present to you my 30 x 30 list.

  1. Attend a drive-in movie

  2. Go driving one day without a GPS, savor the cafes and attractions, and see where I end up!

  3. Travel to a country I have not yet visited (pending the pandemic)

  4. Go skydiving, hang-gliding, or parasailing — something adventurous!

  5. Run a marathon

  6. Have my art published

  7. Grow my business social media to 2,000 followers

  8. Get accepted to graduate school

  9. Record a podcast

  10. Publish a research paper

  11. Compete in a CrossFit competition

  12. Refinish a piece of furniture

  13. Present at a research conference

  14. Speak publicly outside of academia

  15. Have a website, an email list, and write regularly for each

  16. Publish a piece for a popular news-type site (e.g., Inside Higher Ed or NYT)

  17. Serve in GSA executive leadership

  18. Drive across the country

  19. Get a tattoo or piercing

  20. Create + maintain a sourdough starter (and make a loaf of bread!)

  21. Read some classics that I either never read or want to reread as an adult: To Kill A Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, Lord of the Flies

  22. Write a letter to my future self

  23. Run a mile in less than 8 minutes (less than 7 if I’m feeling ambitious!)

  24. Sign up for piano lessons

  25. Pick up my violin or clarinet again (and maybe join a community band)

  26. Join a church

  27. Go an entire weekend (48-60 hours) without my phone

  28. Maintain a gratitude or joy journal for a month

  29. Take myself on a solo date

  30. Spend a day serving my local community

Anything you think I should add? Share it in the comments below!

Emma Cartisano

Emma is a PhD student at Baylor University studying Higher Education & Leadership. She is passionate about learning theories, student success, and talent development.


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