30 x 30 – 30 things to do before I turn 30
I’m not the biggest fan of bucket lists or resolutions, but I do like having goals to work towards. Instead of fearing 30 and the “loss” of my youth, I want to celebrate all the memories and achievements, the experiences I’ve enjoyed, and the things to look forward to in the next decade.
This is the go-to phrase for Study Abroad Lithuania. Here's an excerpt from the program description: “Small country, big world... Take a risk and explore the unfamiliar, immerse yourself in the unknown, transform how you see the world.” And thus the hashtag was born.
Greetings from Lietuva!
That means "hello" in Lithuanian :)
I am safe and sound in Lithuania, currently going through orientation. Unfortunately, it's rained everyday thus far. Here's a daily breakdown of my week:
One more month...
Test post #2
I've had a countdown going since mid-May. Two hundred thirty something days. Now there are 30. What??