Understanding Jesus

Okay, I know that sounds a bit far fetched. But, my faith has flourished over the last four years. Coming to college really forced me to step outside my comfort zone and adopt my own faith rather than clinging to that of my parents. About a year ago, as I was going through my headache battle, I realized that with each trial I walk through, I learn a little bit more about God and myself as framed by the fruits of the Spirit. So let’s take a look!

Love.  We all know the David Crowder song “He Loves Us.” This song gets me every time.  God’s love is so great that it overpowers us like hurricane winds, and all we can do is bend under the wight of his mercy. What’s challenging, however, is realizing the role of “afflictions eclipsed by glory.” It can be hard to see God’s love when we’re sick or grieving or stressed. But it’s there. And it’s overwhelming!

Joy.  This is an interesting one. Joy is an attitude of the heart – a choice to be optimistic and see God in every circumstance. Sometimes, it directly counters everything going on in life at that time. But it’s pretty incredible to see how a heart focused on bringing glory to God can thrive and bless others in times of suffering…simply by choosing joy!

Peace.  Again, this tends to oppose our external circumstances. I think of the hymn “It is Well With My Soul.” Jesus offers us peace that surpasses understanding if we only ask. Our world can be crashing down all around us, but God is right there, offering peace to carry us through. Right now, as I’m fighting anxiety about graduation, I continue to find supernatural peace awaiting me in my quiet times. Jesus has left his peace with us (John 14:27).

Patience.  I have most definitely learned how to be patient with myself and with others as I learn new things and work through challenging situations. We have a tendency to want immediacy, but that’s simply not how God works when He teaches us certain lessons. Especially now, as I’m anticipating what comes next after graduation, I clearly sense God telling me that the reason I don’t know is that it’s not time to know. All I can do is patiently wait and continue to pray.

Kindness.  God is kind. Sure, He’ll place us in situations that seem overwhelming or impossible, but nothing is too great for Him to carry us through. Everything He does furthers His kingdom, and His plans are infinitely more glorious than ours.

Goodness.  God is also really really good to us. I have found over the last two years that many of my Facebook statuses in some way reference my thankfulness to God for His goodness. Of all of my trials, I don’t think there is a single one that left me a worse person. God’s goodness has allowed me to learn about grace and how to show that same grace to others.

Faithfulness.  I certainly fail in my faithfulness to God, but He promises to never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). In the big and in the mundane, God sticks with us through the end. God has carried me through some of the toughest months of my life, including camp in summer 2013. And sometimes, when I rest in God’s faithfulness, I end up thriving even more than I could have ever imagined on my own.

Gentleness.  Just last week, I really began to understand what it means for God to be gentle. I was presented with a vision. I am holding on to my sense of control with clenched fists. This makes me confident, but it also means that I am missing out on all the good God has planned for me. Luckily, God is gentle and will not pry open my fingers. So now I’m learning how to trust that God really does have better plans for me, even when I have no plans at all.

Self-Control.  This is the one I have experienced the least so far. Although, I think that God definitely shows up in those moments when I bite my tongue and show grace to individuals who hurt me. Sometimes this is much harder than others, but it’s a necessary discipline. Again, God will give me the grace to show others grace. And sometimes I need to show myself a little grace, too.

The last four years have brought many trials into my life, but I consistently see God working to grow me, especially when my heart is open and willing. I began to truly sink my teeth into all that Jesus is the summer after my sophomore year, and that has placed me in a position to flourish and thrive over the past two years. God is pretty awesome that way! 

Emma Cartisano

Emma is a PhD student at Baylor University studying Higher Education & Leadership. She is passionate about learning theories, student success, and talent development.


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